Helping Lumber Yards, Hardware Dealers and Family Businesses Thrive

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As a Business Owner:

You are busy wearing lots of different hats. You want your business to be efficient and profitable, with a strong company culture and healthy environment.  Seems like a no-brainer but getting there – and staying there – is not necessarily easy.


Establishing positive dynamics and work/life balance while grooming the next generation of business ownership and setting up for a smooth, successful transition takes time and effort. Sometimes, you need to look to the outside for help. That’s where I come in.


Whatever your organization’s challenge is, I work with you to develop a solution that fits.

Strategic Planning

Define your vision

Layout your roadmap to success

Improve the bottom line


Team Education

Strengthen Skills

Industry Best Practices


Increase focus

Continuous Improvement + Constant Refinement = Organizational Excellence


“We were extremely happy that we hired Emily to help us go live with our Spruce POS conversion last summer. She provided many extras that weren’t included in Spruce training. We would highly recommend her services to anyone who is considering switching to ECI Spruce

Lowell Grasse – Grasse Lumber Sales Ltd.


“My husband and I have two lumberyards.  After struggling with the change of going to a POS system for a couple years we met Emily.  She has been a life saver for us and continues to be there to rescue us over the years.  We have found her very knowledgeable not only in the lumber industry but also in the Spruce POS system we are using.  We cannot say enough about how amazing she has been.  We would highly recommend her.”

Gary and Patti – Shur-Way Building Centers


“Emily has always been a tremendous resource for us to use in the implementation of our business accounting software. We first learned to know her as a Spruce consultant and she filled that role very effectively. She has continued to help us as she became her own business owner. Her grasp of POS operations and accounting methods by which she “makes it happen” are impressive. Her personableness makes interactions very enjoyable. She is “A friend to man”. Her contribution to us and the society she addresses is heartwarming.”

Doug Boehs – Boehs Building Supply


“The commitment Emily has for our industry is above and beyond.  We retained the services of Emily’s company to assist us with organizing, operations, and software.  With her help we were able to grow our company with confidence!

 Tri State Building Center is better today because we recognized our weakness and partnered with Emily to overcome that weakness.  Thank you Emily for all your help and Friendship.”

Brett Hanson – Tri-State Building Center


“Rare is it to find someone in POS support that we can consistently rely on to get us answers. Emily does just that and has the know-how to go along with it.

She can seamlessly jump from talking deep in the financials with our CFO, to helping a cashier, to advising the purchasing manager.  Emily Overson is an important part of our team and has my highest recommendation.”

Kyle Martinez – Interstate Building Materials


“We purchased a Lumber Yard in May 2021 and were in immediate need of accounting and financial guidance!!  Emily has been AMAZING!!  She is very knowledgeable, thorough,  patient and willing to work with companies BIG and small!  The cherry on top is Emily’s 20+ years of experience working in and assisting those in the Building Material Industry. She is excellent at strategizing the best approach and steps to take no matter how far gone a company’s accounting systems and processes may be out of sorts. If you are willing to do the work, she CAN AND WILL get you to the finish line!”

Summor White – Eastside Lumber


“Emily came to our agency at a time when we were in great need of someone with knowledge of complex accounting principles.  We were continually impressed with her understanding and her ability to quickly pick up on the intricate details of the way our agency receives and disburses finances. Emily is incredibly kind, patient and willing to spend extra time listening to, and giving information to, the staff members who rely on her expertise.  Emily is extremely trustworthy.  We felt very comfortable having Emily know all of the details of the agency; including all of the confidential information that helps make our company successful.”

Dave Erickson – Stellher Human Services


“We met Emily in 2021 at a class she taught for the Mid-America Lumber Association and booked her to consult for a few days regarding her Spruce expertise and thought that would be it.  Upon that initial consultation, we quickly realized that Emily had so much more to offer us than just help with our POS Spruce.  Emily has vast knowledge including LBM best practices, process efficiencies, financials, and so much more.   We will continue to include Emily’s consulting services in the future of our company, as we recognize the value that she adds to our business. ”

Janelle – Midwest Lumber


“Throughout the past seven years, Shore Lumber & Millwork, Inc. has relied upon Emily Overson’s expert advice and professional insight to guide and assist our staff.  Emily is extremely knowledgeable in the LBM industry as well as all areas of the ECI Spruce operating system, and her wisdom and professional guidance have been invaluable to the operation and growth of Shore Lumber & Millwork. We are beyond grateful for her assistance and expertise. 

Dana – Shore Lumber & Millwork


“Speaking with Emily was very beneficial, in a few short sessions she was able to confirm some best practice methods that we were doing and correct some other methods. She  is very knowledgeable, patient, and easy to work with. ”

Becker Millwork


“Working with Emily really saved us!  Her wealth of experience – both operational and financial – coupled with the knowledge of how to translate our business and accounting needs functionally into Spruce gave us the direction we needed when we went multi-branch.  Having been longtime single-branch users, we didn’t know what we didn’t know and our implementation wasn’t going well.  Emily brought it all together, helped direct us down the right path, and was able to go between us and the implementation team to fix the issues she uncovered quickly.   And she’s been a great asset since the transition to guide us in best practices, tips & tricks, and variance reporting to help us find and resolve any further issues.  We highly recommend her!”

David McDaniel


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Blackduck, Minnesota
(507) 380-0941